secondary identities
these are other labels that i identify with that could be anything from a sexuality label to a gender label or just whatever else!!
paraboy is a gender where someone feels mostly as a boy/man, but not entirely. The male portion takes up 51-99% of their gender. for me, agender takes up the rest of it.
this is similar to demiboy, but specifically describes a gender where someone is 51% to 99% boy
in my personal experience, I am boyflux and a demiboy. my masculine gender fluctuates from 100% (boy) to 0% (agender) but usually settles anywhere in between. so, I could be a demiboy, a paraboy, a boy, agender, etc. however, most of the time, both some boy and some agender is still present.
boyish can also be an identity on its own for one who feels like they are sort of a boy, not quite a boy, not fully a boy, almost a boy, a little bit of a boy, or any other sort of variation of that could be described as boyish.